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Choosing the Right Color of Carpet

Choosing the right color for your carpet can feel like a lot of pressure. Replacing carpets is time-consuming and expensive, so you want to make sure that you choose a color that you won't get tired of and that won't clash with your room's decor. The right carpet choice has the power to pull a room together and create a cozy aesthetic for your home. But with so many color options, it can be difficult to narrow down your choices. If you are struggling to pick out a carpet color for your space, read on to learn a few tips and tricks to find the right flooring colors that you'll love for years to come.

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Why Does the Color of Carpet Matter?

Carpet color has the ability to tie a room together. A light carpet can work well in a room with a lot of light, making the space appear more bright and airy than it actually is. However, carpet color also can negatively affect your space, like making the room feel stuffy and small or not hiding stains well. It's important not to overlook your carpet color when designing the rooms of your home, as it can impact the appearance of your space.

Tips to Keep in Mind When Choosing Colors

There are a few general tips to keep in mind when choosing a carpet color.

Coordinating with Paint Colors

If you are trying to coordinate with your wall colors, remember that it is much easier to change paint colors than it is to replace the carpet. There are also so many paint colors to choose from as opposed to carpet colors. So it's often best to choose the carpet color first, then the paint color.

High-Traffic Areas

Consider where your carpet is going. Will people be constantly walking over the same path multiple times a day? A hallway carpet is often a high-traffic area, so you'll want to consider a patterned carpet that can hide footprints easily. Or if it is an area that likely deals with spills and messes, then a dark-colored carpet will be the best option to hide stains.

Size of the Room

Small-sized rooms and rooms with low ceilings tend to benefit the most from carpets with neutral colors. Neutral colors help to make a room appear larger, while a bold color works best in large spaces and oddly shaped rooms. 

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The Best Carpet Colors for the Living Room and Dining Room

The living room and dining room are high-traffic areas, as they are typically rooms that the whole family gathers in to eat, drink, and relax. Because of the purpose of these rooms, they are often prone to spills and stains. 

Depending on the shape and size of your living room, going with a dark neutral color is often a good idea for your living room carpet. Grays, blues, and earthy tones are all good choices to ensure that the living room carpet will match your furniture. As most living rooms are the largest areas of the house and sometimes feature high ceilings and big windows, a dark neutral color for your living room carpet can add coziness to this space.

Dining rooms may be smaller and have a less open layout than living rooms. Though they also deal with a lot of stains and foot traffic, dark neutral colors may not be the best choice for the dining room carpet because of their size. If you have a smaller enclosed dining room, it might be best to stick with earthy neutrals like beige or sand. If you decide to go with light colors, then stain-resistant materials for your dining room carpet will be necessary. 

The Best Carpet Colors for the Bedroom

Many people seek to create a peaceful and calm retreat when decorating their bedrooms. If you are looking for a bedroom carpet that will feel comfortable and relaxing, then you may want to consider going with white or light neutral-colored carpeting. A soft white carpet will go with a lot of different styles and match virtually any furniture. As a bedroom is typically not the biggest room in the house, a light-colored bedroom carpet will make the room seem more spacious.

The Best Carpet Colors for the Kitchen and Bathroom

These rooms are almost guaranteed to deal with water or spills. Though the type of materials and style of carpet is important for these rooms, the color of the carpet can also play a big role in the overall appearance of the carpet over time. 

For the kitchen carpet, you'll want to think about what style you want the carpet to bring into the room. Often people want the kitchen to be a warm and inviting space, so warm colors might work well for a kitchen carpet.

If you are looking for colors for your bathroom carpet, most colors besides white will work well. Some people prefer to take a bold, funky approach to their bathroom space and others prefer a spa-like tranquility in their bathrooms. Whatever your preferences are, a bathroom carpet will benefit from a bit of color to hide stains or discoloration. 

If you want to hide stains in places that get a lot of traffic, like your living room carpet or hallway carpet, then dark colors will work best. If you want to keep your bedroom airy and open, then a white bedroom carpet could be a good option for you. Ultimately, the right colors for your space will depend on your personal preferences and style. There are no right or wrong colors for your home. As long as it makes you happy and works for your lifestyle, you can choose whatever carpet color you would like.

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