Signs Your Carpet Needs to Be Replaced
Posted by Ben Garelick (@BlueShirtBenny) on 9th Jan 2025
Carpets can bring warmth and comfort to your home, but there comes a time when every household has to say goodbye to the old carpet and replace it with a new one. So, how do you know when it’s time to let go?
How to Know When to Replace Carpet
The average life span of a carpet is around 10 years, but variables like fibers, carpet type and backing all determine its longevity. Regardless of the carpet's features, there are some surefire signs that it's time to start looking for a replacement. Old carpets can be uncomfortable and unsightly and even pose a health risk by harboring dander and mold. Here are the signs that tell you when you should replace your carpet:
Stains and Burns
If your carpet looks like a minefield with wine, coffee or stains that you can't remove, you might need to replace it. While stain-resistant carpets generally last much longer, they still have a life span. Eventually, the stain resistance wears away, and it can be difficult to completely remove stains. Carpets without stain resistance are particularly difficult to clean. Some tricky spills, like red wine or burns from cigarette butts, may never come off, even with professional cleaning.
While stains and burns are an eyesore, they also pose a health risk. Over time, substances like food or pet urine can build up and seep through the padding. These biological substances may grow mold and mildew, which could release mycotoxins and cause respiratory symptoms in sensitive individuals.
Old Age
A key sign your carpet needs replacing comes down to a significant factor — its age. As it experiences foot traffic, wear and tear and regular cleaning, its colors eventually start to fade, and the fibers mat. This means it’s reaching the end of its usefulness.
Your carpet has a predetermined life span. Once it reaches this age or older, it starts breaking down and holding onto harmful particles. It also looks unpleasant and makes the room look dull and unkempt. Replacing it at this point is an excellent way to keep you and your family happy and healthy.
Allergy Symptoms Acting Up
If you experience itchy eyes, coughing and a runny nose indoors, you may have a dust mite or pollen allergy. When these symptoms flare up more often, you may have a problem that needs addressing — your carpet.
The older your carpet gets, the more dust, pollen and other allergens it gathers. Removing them also becomes more challenging over time as they accumulate in the fibers. When cleaning and treating cease to solve the problem, it’s time to replace your carpet.
Rips and Tears
Worn-down fibers can make carpets unsightly. They can also affect the shape, causing the carpet to lift off the ground, crumple and fold. If you have to rearrange your furniture to disguise rips and tears in the carpet, it's probably time to replace it.
While you may be able to look past your carpet's rips and tears, it might not be safe to keep it around. Children running over it may get their feet stuck, leading to a nasty fall. The gaps in the carpet could also invite creepy crawlies to hide.
Matted, torn carpets are a sure sign that you need to replace your carpet. If you're looking for a durable option that won't tear easily, opt for a carpet made with nylon, as this material is more resilient to rips.

Water Damage
Rainwater flooding, burst pipes and overflowing taps can all lead to large amounts of water soaking into your carpet. When either of these events occur, you need to remove the moisture completely and clean and dry the carpet to prevent mold growth.
Mold and mildew build up on a wet carpet in only 24 to 48 hours. If you don’t dispose of it after this period, it can be hazardous to your health. Cleaning can’t guarantee the mold’s removal, so replacing it is often the safest option.
Degraded Padding
Padding is the foundation of every carpet. It supports the layer of texture and fabric, making it more comfortable to lie or walk on. It also improves insulation, moisture absorption and sound dampening.
When you start noticing crinkling sounds as you walk or see wrinkles in your carpet, the padding may be worn out. A thin and uneven feeling is another sign of degradation and it’s time to replace your carpet.
Unpleasant Odors
A stinky carpet can be the result of multiple reasons. If you own pets, their fur and other substances may build up in the carpet fiber over time. Food spills, dirt and sweat can also sink deep into the padding and cause a stench. A smelly carpet is not something you can ignore.
If you give the carpet a deep clean and the smell doesn't disappear, it's likely the biological matter has sunk into the padding. Mold and mildew tend to be the cause of the stench at this point.
You should get professionals to remove and dispose of the carpet so that you can thoroughly clean the area before replacing it with a new one. Carpet & Tile Mart offers carpet replacement services, where we remove and dispose of existing carpets at a modest charge.
Extensive Mold
Mold is typically something you smell before you see it. As it grows, a musty odor permeates your carpet. If it’s left to develop, you’ll eventually notice gray and green patches, first underneath and then on top.
Humidity and moisture are the primary causes of mold growth on carpets. Letting it accumulate could release mycotoxins, which can cause serious illnesses like immune deficiency.
If it develops long enough that cleaning can't eliminate it, you may need to consider replacing your carpet.
Get Quality Carpet Installed at Carpet & Tile Mart
If your carpet needs to be replaced, Carpet & Tile Mart can help you every step of the way. We can remove the carpet, dispose of it, install a new one and even offer carpet binding services to elevate the aesthetic appeal of your floors.
Our extensive flooring installation services also include moving furniture, metal trim and stair work. All charges to our flooring installers will be clearly marked on your order so there's no confusion. If you're looking to replace your carpet, you can find a quality option from our carpet selection which includes indoor-outdoor and stain-protection carpets.
We pride ourselves on offering convenient services and quality products so that you have total peace of mind.